Day Against Religious Intolerance

In this week's In Tune with Nature, we talk about January 21st, the day to combat religious intolerance! A very important date to discuss rights, respect, and religious diversity - especially in a country so mixed in culture, belief and race.

João Lucas França, broadcaster and communicator at Centro Sabiá.

Listen to ‘In Tune with Nature’ this Sunday!

This week Em Sintonia com a Natureza, our weekly radio program, comes to talk about resistance, the struggle of terreiros and religious diversity. In this next program, we talk about the 21st of January , the day to combat religious intolerance! A very important date to discuss rights, respect, and religious diversity – especially in a country so mixed in culture, belief and race.

And it is to talk about this subject with us, who today participates in the program the cultural journalist Marileide Alves! She is the author of the books Xambá Nation from the terreiro to the stage, and Xambá people resist: 80 years of repression against the terreiros of Pernambuco. tune in with us this sunday! fight against Religious Intolerance!

The program Em Sintonia com a Natureza airs every Sunday on Rádio Pajeú FM 99.3 at 6:30 am (Afogados da Ingazeira/PE), on Rádio Top Rio FM 90.5 at 7 am (Rio Formoso/PE) and also on Radio Pop FM 104.9 at 7 am (Surubim/PE). It also airs on Webrádio da Articulação do Semiárido (ASA) and Webrádio Agroecologia!

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