Pesticides, Agribusiness and Water Expenditure | In Tune with Nature

João Lucas França, broadcaster and communicator at Centro Sabiá.

In Tune with Nature, with Alexandre Henrique Pires!

This week In Tune with Nature talks about the World Water Day! A very special date, which reminds us of the preservation of natural water resources, and makes us reflect on water costs around the world – Especially where Agribusiness exists; can’t talk about water consumption not to mention Agrochemicals and the poison market – Agribusiness! They are the biggest consumers of water in the world – Which, in addition to using huge amounts, they also poison rivers and seas with the use of poison.

And it is to talk about this important date for the defense of water, and also pesticides, agribusiness and water spending, that we invite to our virtual table – Alexandre Henrique Pires! He is the General Coordinator of the Sabiá Center! He is a sertanejo, a biologist and is also part of the Coordination of ASA BRASIL, the Articulation of the Brazilian Semiarid Region.

The program Em Sintonia com a Natureza airs every Sunday on Rádio Pajeú FM 99.3 FM at 6:30 am (Afogados da Ingazeira/PE), on Rádio Top Rio FM 90.5 at 7 am (Rio Formoso/PE) and also on Rádio Pop 104.9 FM at 7 am (Surubim/PE). It also airs on Webrádio da Articulação do Semiárido (ASA) and Rádio Web Agroecologia!

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