Water is not merchandise! | Cantos do Sabiá

João Lucas France. Broadcaster and communicator for the Centro Sabiá.

Water is a human right. Indispensable, irreplaceable… Water is life. That’s why this week’s Cantos do Sabiá is going to talk about March 22nd, the World Water Day! But you can’t discuss water properly just by telling people to turn off the tap when brushing their teeth. Or when you take a bath, turn off the shower.

…The truth is that water expenditure is far beyond the population itself. Agribusiness, for example, is the economy that spends the most water worldwide! 70% of the expenses of the world resource is in the poison market. In Brazil, the Agribusiness sector alone spends 72% of its water consumption.

Today, according to the Trata Brasil Institute ‘s survey , our country has 30 million people without access to treated water. It is more than clear that access to water is still a difficult and current discussion. How to break these barriers? How to guarantee an essential human right such as access to water! Water is not a commodity. Nor can it be treated as if it were!

It is to talk about this very important theme that today we invited Aniérica Almeida to our chat! Aniérica is a fisheries engineer, with a degree in Agricultural Sciences from UFRPE. Specialist in Food Security from the Perspective of Coexistence with the Semi-arid and Agroecology. Master in Rural Extension and Local Development.

Cantos do Sabiá is the Centro Sabiá’s Podcast! Weekly we discuss agroecology, sustainability and politics in the countryside and in the city! The podcast goes live every Monday, with the complete interview edition that originally made up the Center’s radio program. https://spoti.fi/31VtUj5

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