Ministry of Women and the new measures of Lula’s government: commitment to the rights of all

Rosa Sampaio
Sabiá Center Journalist, with information from the Secretariat of Communication of the Presidency of the Republic (SECOM)

Ricardo Stuckert/Divulgação Federal Government

2023 began with the inauguration of President Lula and the beginning of his new government. Among so many expectations, the creation of the Ministry of Women encouraged us because of the neglect with the women’s agenda in the last four years, besides the nomination of eleven women to the first line to ministries such as Indigenous Peoples, Racial Equality, Environment, Health, Sports, Culture, Tourism, Science and Technology, Management and Innovation, Planning, and of course the Ministry of Women with Cida Gonçalves at the head. It seems that the policies for women will be on the rise in the new Federal government, together with the first lady, Janja, and the ministers, president Lula announced, in a ceremony at the Planalto Palace, measures and commitments with the agenda, on International Women’s Day. According to the government at the same event, the measures together represent an investment of R$960 million from the public budget this year alone.

Equal pay – A Bill will be sent to the National Congress making it mandatory to have equal pay for men and women performing the same job. The country will join the International Coalition for Equal Pay, which involves entities such as the ILO, UN Women, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Combating harassment – The Federal Government will ratify Convention 190 of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the first international treaty to recognize the right of all people to a working world free from violence and harassment, including gender-based violence.
Rural women – The Rural Women’s Economic Productive Organization program will launch a public notice for rural technical assistance to rural women with a R$50 million investment and the perspective of attending up to 20 thousand female farmers. Banco do Brasil will have five Agro Woman carts to travel the country offering differentiated credit for women, financial services, and training for individuals and companies.
Women from the periphery – Caixa is promoting the Mulheres na Favela (Women in Favela) program, which qualifies women in three social innovation laboratories in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Salvador.
Startups – The BNDES, in turn, highlights the Garage Project, with acceleration of startups led by women.

Ligue 180 – The Women’s Call Center (180) is being rebuilt. It is possible to file complaints against any type of gender violence and the call is free from anywhere in the country, and the service operates 24 hours a day.
Vehicles and Casas da Mulher Brasileira – The program Mulher: Viver sem Violência was recreated, with the implementation of 40 units of the Casas da Mulher Brasileira, with resources from the National Public Security Fund and an investment of R$372 million. The same program also guarantees the donation of 270 vehicles for the Maria da Penha Patrol, in all states.
Support to victims – Decree foreseeing the regulation of an 8% labor quota for women victims of violence in public hiring in the direct federal administration, autarchies and foundations.
Marielle Franco National Day – The date was instituted and will be remembered every March 14, the day the Rio de Janeiro councilwoman was assassinated in 2018.
More respect – A policy to fight sexual and moral harassment and discrimination in the federal public administration will also be launched.

Menstrual Dignity – Decree with the commitment of free distribution of absorbents in the Unified Health System (SUS).
Equity – A program was also created for gender and race equity among SUS employees.

More Daycare Centers – Resumes work on 1,189 daycare centers that were at a standstill.
Training – Places in professional and technological education courses and programs will be ensured for 20 thousand women in vulnerable situations over the next two years.

Sporting Mothers – Decree that determines the maternity leave for members of the Athlete Grant.

Filmmakers – The Ruth de Souza Audiovisual Edital will support unpublished projects by Brazilian filmmakers to make their first feature film. There are R$10 million in investments.
Women writers – Another line of action is the incentive to literature, with R$ 2 million in the Carolina Maria de Jesus Award, for unpublished books written by women.

Scientists – Decree institutes the National Policy for Inclusion, Permanence and Ascension of Girls and Women in Science, Technology and Innovation. It is estimated that there will be a CNPq public call for R$100 million, aimed at women in the exact sciences, engineering, and computing.

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