Caatinga Day and the Fight against the Deserts | Cantos do Sabiá

João Lucas França – Radio host and communicator for the Sabiá Center.

The caatinga is a unique Brazilian biome. It is 850 thousand km², with forests and more forests, a lot of life and a lot of biodiversity, but today all this biodiversity encounters challenges never seen before. After mismanagement of the environment, year after year of record-breaking fires, deforestation, loss of native vegetation – and of course – lack of policies aimed at combating desertification, the Caatinga today finds itself in a state of drought, degradation, and frightening desertification .

Now we have a new Lula government – and with it, a new hope of resuming actions to combat desertification, to protect native forests, and also soil conservation! At the Ministry of the Environment, the Directorate for Combating Desertification is resumed !

How to combat these deserts? What can be done so that the Caatinga does not become tomorrow’s desert? It is about all this that we talk in Cantos do Sabiá with the director of this portfolio of the Ministry of Environment, Alexandre Pires! Alexandre was general coordinator of the Centro Sabiá for 20 years. Today he is the director of Combating Desertification, in the new Lula government!

Cantos do Sabiá is the Centro Sabiá’s Podcast! Weekly we discuss agroecology, sustainability and politics in the countryside and in the city! The podcast goes live every Monday, with the complete interview edition that originally made up the Center’s radio program.

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