Centro Sabiá celebrates 30 years of struggle and resistance in Pajeú this Friday

This July, the Centro Sabiá celebrates its 30th anniversary with the Festival Terra, Mãe de Todas as Lutas (Land, Mother of All Fights Festival), to celebrate these three decades of actions for the promotion of family agriculture in the principles of agroecology. The first event of the Festival takes place this Friday (7) at the Maestro Madureira Events Yard, in the traditional Family Farming Fair, in Triunfo, in the Sertão do Pajeú.
The activity begins at 7 a.m., with poetry, a conversation circle with the theme
Seeds of Sharing
and lots of forró, with a pé-de-serra trio. It will be a morning of sharing and reflection on the importance of agroecological fairs, as a space for the promotion and strengthening of fair trade and sustainable consumption, but also for the exchange of knowledge and flavors between rural and urban families.
The Centro Sabiá is a non-governmental organization from Pernambuco, founded on July 9, 1993, which operates in four territories of the state, besides Sertão do Pajeú, in Agreste, Zona da Mata Sul, and in the Metropolitan Region of Recife. The organization promotes agro-ecologically based family agriculture, in the countryside and in the cities, but also projects for living with the semi-arid, such as the implementation of social technologies like plate cisterns and Greywater Reuse, besides the technical assistance, which facilitates the multiplication of actions such as the care and safekeeping of native seeds, agro-ecological markets, such as fairs, and many other actions based on the Agroforestry System.
Maria Cristina Aureliano, general coordinator of the Centro Sabiá highlights the challenges of the institution’s mission. “Our challenge is to interact with the various sectors of civil society, developing innovative actions together with the work with children, young people, women and men in family farming. From the perspective that society lives in harmony with nature and is conscious, autonomous, and participative in the construction of a sustainable rural development model,” revealed the agronomist.
Riva Almeida, a Sabiá Center educator in the region, leaves an invitation for the Sertão do Pajeú: “whoever arrives Friday at the fair will also dance forró-pé-de-serra, participate in a bingo, and have an open microphone to recite poetry and prose, all in the fair’s space, for women, men, young people, and children from the countryside and the city,” she concludes.
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