Oficina de podcast em Jataúba, no Sítio Sobrado, levanta juventudes pela comunicação

João Lucas França – Radio host and communicator for the Sabiá Center.

João Lucas/Centro Sabiá

On August 1 and 2, the workshop “The voice that comes from listening”, of podcast and sound, took place in Jataúba, agreste of Pernambuco. The activity took place with the youth collective of Sítio Sobrado and was directed by the radio broadcaster of the Sabiá Center, João Lucas, with the support of technical advisor Raimundo Bertino and agroecology advisor Josilma Bertino. The meetings were held in the space of APASA – Association of Small Farmers of Sítio Sobrado.

The workshop aimed to bring a little communication to the local youth, to understand the political and social value of releasing their voice not only on the radio/podcast waves – but also in their meetings, in youth and community debates!

During the activity, the themes of popular communication, active speech, the importance of listening, and how to transform everyday life into productions that can interest the whole community were discussed – all through podcast production techniques and sound scripting.

It was a moment of much learning and exchange, which culminated in the production of 3 spots about springs, and the importance of protecting them and also a podcast about the activities that took place in the workshop!

“Without communication there is no dialog. For communication for all!”
– Youth of Sítio Sobrado.

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