How can inequalities, hunger and climate crises be tackled in 20 years? | Real Food

João Lucas França – Radio host and communicator for the Sabiá Center.

Last July, the Sabiá Center celebrated its 30th anniversary, in defense of agroecological family farming; of the class struggle; of the struggle for land, for food, for life! It’s been 30 years of defending a society that lives in harmony with nature , that is conscious, autonomous and participative in building a model of sustainable rural development .

It was to commemorate these struggles, which are daily and continuous, that the Sabiá Center held the traveling festival – “Earth, Mother of All Struggles”, which crossed the Sertão, reached the Agreste, passed through the Zona da Mata Sul and ended at the Recife pier, carrying the hope of a future that is increasingly agroecological, greener, cleaner and fairer!

But what kind of future is that? What future will we have for the land, the mother of all struggles? This was one of the central themes discussed during the festival, among many important speeches for the struggle for rights – in the countryside and in the city. That’s why Comida de Verdade is asking: What contribution can the Sabiá Center make to fighting hunger, inequality and the climate crisis over the next 20 years? Come and talk to us!

The Comida de Verdade Program goes on Paulo Freire University Radio – AM 820 Khz! Comida de Verdade is part of the public call for broadcasting by the Radio Universitária. Then you can also listen to it on our virtual platforms: Click here and follow us on Spotify!

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