Articulation of Agroecology and Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture of the RMR meets at the Sabiá Center

By Rosa Sampaio
Journalist at the Sabiá Center

Photo: Rosa Sampaio / Sabiá Center

This Friday (19), the first meeting of the Articulation of Agroecology and Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture of the Metropolitan Region of Recife (AUPRMR) will take place all day at the Sabiá Center. Participants include women farmers and representatives of organizations and social movements, as well as Sabiá, the Homeless Workers’ Movement (MTST), the Northeast Women’s House, the Federation of Organs for Social and Educational Assistance (FASE), the Centre for Education and Training in Popular Medicine (CEFOMP), Kapiwara, Caranguejo Uçá and the Northeast Centre for Popular Medicine.

In the morning, the agenda of the meeting revolved around the restructuring of the Working Groups (WGs) and the choice of the new collegiate coordination of the Articulation, and now in the afternoon the group is dedicated to planning actions for this year. The participants had a collective lunch at the Sabiá headquarters to socialize and celebrate the start of this new cycle.

According to Simone Arimatéia, technical advisor to the Sabá Centre for Urban and Peripheral Agriculture, these meetings are aimed at strengthening the self-organization of the Articulation, whose main objective is political advocacy for urban agriculture, “a way of organizing ourselves collectively around our cause and our struggle,” she said.

And of course, everyone present left with the kits – the Partnership Agenda and the Sabiá Center’s 2024 Calendar, which this year has the theme “Agroecology and Climate Justice”.

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