Is there racism in Recife? | Real Food

João Lucas França – Radio host and communicator for the Sabiá Center.

This week’s Comida de Verdade discusses the National Day Against Racism – May 13! But what weight does this date have in Recife? What is she holding on to? The abolition of slavery? Abolition for whom, when racism, slave labor and slave conditions remain?

We talk about combating racism, but we also think about the environment, climate change… Bringing this concept that has been gaining ground in the discussion of race! Resistance. Racism – Environmental. Is there racism in Recife?

Recife is one of the most unequal cities in Brazil! This is what IBGE’s indicators study shows. Inequality also leads us to racism, and in a city that is so vulnerable to climate change, to the tragedies of rain, flooding and landslides, environmental racism unfortunately comes into this package.

But what about racism in Recife? Social educator Edson Fly is the voice in this discussion, Edson Fly! Journalist and human rights activist. He is the CEO of Ação Comunitária Caranguejo Uçá (@caranguejo_uca), in Ilha de Deus. Caranguejo Uçá’s communication team produces for ANF – Agência de Notícias das Favelas and also for teleSUR.

Comida de Verdade is your Saturday program to talk about food and agroecology, valuing our markets and local culture. Every Saturday at 10 . 30am on Rádio Universitária 99.9 FM and rebroadcast on Rádio Universitária Paulo Freire 820 AM – Podcast format on Spotify from the Sabiá Center!

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