Political changes and agrarian transformations. The struggle for the right to land by grassroots organizations and the peoples of Latin America

From 28 to 30 May, the ILC LAC is organizing the 13th Land Forum in Latin America and the Caribbean: “Political changes and agrarian transformations. The struggle for the right to land by popular organizations and the peoples of Latin America”.

It will bring together diverse actors and allow the voices of those who live on and from the land to be amplified, promoting a plural dialog on the current context of the region and the new global discussions that impact land governance.



Land governance in Latin America has been affected in recent years by intense political changes, some favorable and others adverse to the land rights of indigenous, peasant and Afro-descendant populations. Added to this are the growing impacts of climate change, as well as the policies and measures to tackle them. In this scenario, new forms of extractivism associated with the energy transition are emerging and impacting territories, exacerbating conflicts and dispossession.

On the other hand, there is growing recognition of the centrality of guaranteeing the land rights of the people who live on and depend on it in order to tackle the climate crisis and promote more sustainable development models and food systems. Associated with this are new discussions on the need to recognize the right to land as a human right and to develop its implications within the framework of the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR).

Faced with this situation, grassroots organizations and social movements, including those of rural women and youth, are increasingly strengthening and articulating their struggle for the right to land and other fundamental rights with concrete proposals in political dialogue at national and international level. From proposals for sustainable agriculture to programs for the collective management of natural resources, peoples and communities have shown that the solutions lie in the territories when the right to land is guaranteed.

The LAC 2024 Land Forum will promote, through 6 online sessions, exchanges on emerging policies, practices and strategies to move towards inclusive land governance, with an emphasis on the role that peasant, indigenous, Afro-descendant and women’s movements play in the current context, being at the forefront of defending rights and denouncing harmful policies. There will be exchanges on countries with significant progress thanks to the protagonism of these groups, and on those with more authoritarian and adverse contexts for the right to land, in which strategies for the defense and protection of human rights prevail.

The Forum constitutes an important space for inter-learning and a unique opportunity to make visible and position the central role of the right to land in the achievement of more prosperous and sustainable societies, as well as a platform to promote regional articulations around this issue. The event will also provide key elements to feed into the discussions that will take place at the Global Earth Forum 2025 in Colombia.

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