Youth for the right to the future | Cantos do Sabiá

João Lucas França – Broadcaster and communicator for the Sabiá Center.

August, the month of youth, has begun, which is why today we’re talking about the Right to the Future! August is a busy month for young people. August 12 is International Youth Day, a date to remember the struggles for rights, space, education and work – waged all over the world by young people.

That’s why we’re talking about this uprising, which is political, social, formative and full of youth struggle. Let’s talk about youth month, but also about the Youth Statute, which points to a future of struggle and rights for young people – diverse – throughout Brazil – from the hinterland to the capital.

Youth, for the right to the future! And what kind of future is that, when so many young people have to leave the countryside to seek a life far from home? What future, when the city’s young people find it increasingly difficult to work? There are many challenges! And now we’re going to discuss this whole struggle with Ferreira Lima – a popular educator, agroecology technician and biological sciences student who is a member of the Commission of Young Agroecology Multipliers and SAECSowing Agroecology in Rural Schools and Communities.

Cantos do Sabiá is the Sabiá Center Podcast! Every week we discuss agroecology, sustainability and politics in the countryside and the city! The podcast goes live every Monday, with the complete interview edition that originally made up the Center’s radio program.

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