Hunger for popular struggle | Cantos do Sabiá

João Lucas França – Broadcaster and communicator for the Sabiá Center.

Cantos discusses the hunger for popular struggle! We are in the month of popular organizations. September 3, the Day of Popular Organizations, is a date that reminds us of the importance of this social mobilization in the struggle for justice, rights and, thinking of the countryside, for land, water and space.

Popular organizations have always played a huge role in resisting agrarian injustice. Whether quilombolas, indigenous peoples, rural producers or trade unionists, resistance has always been strong for the protection of rural communities and rural workers.

But violence persists. That’s why the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT) has brought out another edition of the report “Conflicts in the Countryside 2023”, revealing that violence continues to grow. How do we confront violence? What role do we have when grassroots organizations need to take the lead in stopping injustice?

Geographer Plácido Júnior brings some of these answers to the conversation ! Plácido has a master’s degree in Geography, with expertise in agrarian issues and the countryside. He is a member of the Pastoral Land Commission and Via Campesina.

Cantos do Sabiá is the Sabiá Center Podcast! Every week we discuss agroecology, sustainability and politics in the countryside and the city! The podcast goes live every Monday, with the complete interview edition that originally made up the Center’s radio program.

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