From Sertão do Pajeú to Chapada do Apodi: ASA holds first Rural Sanitation Caravan

Reproduction: ASACOM

Photo: Seapac

Community water reuse experiences are on the route of the first Rural Sanitation Caravan organized by the Brazilian Semi-Arid Articulation (ASA). The 400-kilometer journey starts on Wednesday (4) from Afogados da Ingazeira, in Pernambuco’s Sertão do Pajeú, to the municipality of Apodi, in the west of Rio Grande do Norte.

With a variety of techniques and models, rural sanitation structures have the function of collecting so-called “gray water” from drains and sinks, as well as “fecal water” from cesspools, to be treated and used for irrigation.

Reuse systems favor the correct disposal of sewage, contributing to the preservation of the environment and promoting the health of farming families. In addition, purified water is an alternative for food production in a region where rainfall is irregular and investment has historically been insufficient.

The caravan, coordinated by the ASA Rural Sanitation Working Group (WG), will bring together technicians from the ten states of the semi-arid region to learn about some of these initiatives. The aim is to deepen studies on management models for rural sanitation services, especially on a community scale. With these exchanges, the organization hopes not only to demand, but to propose public policies for water reuse.

During their visit to Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte, the participants will have the opportunity to evaluate the functionalities, efficiency and costs of some technological models. In each rural sanitation experience visited, the WG will discuss the advances and challenges in the management of the systems with regard to the families and their organizations, but also to the municipal and state public authorities.


The Rural Sanitation Caravan begins on Wednesday morning (4) with a welcome for the participants and general information about the event. In the afternoon, in Afogados da Ingazeira, the group will visit a soccer field to learn about the management of a sewage and water reuse system.

On Thursday (5), it will be time to meet a community that is a protagonist in community management of water supply and visit the council of the Integrated Rural Sanitation System (Sisar) in the region.

On the third and final day of the program, the caravan will disembark in Apodi to get a closer look at the experience of the Milagres Settlement. The event will conclude with a plenary session on the visit to the Potiguar territory.

1st Rural Sanitation Caravan – Sertão do Pajeú and Chapada do Apodi
Period: September 4-6
Departure: Afogados da Ingazeira (PE)
Arrival: Apodi (RN)

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