Marias School – Women and Urban Farming kicks off second class with inaugural lecture at UFRPE
The activity will take place in the Seminar Room of UFRPE’s Education Department
By Darliton Silva

This Tuesday, October 29, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., the Sabiá Center will begin the second class of the Marias School – Women and Urban Farming, with an inaugural class at the Department of Education of the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE). The 260-hour extension course is divided into two main modules: 1) Food Production and 2) Food Processing, as well as practical activities in community gardens led by the students.
This new class is made up of 25 women from various urban and peri-urban gardens in the region, including Horta Sonho de Viver, in the Fazendinha community (Boa Viagem); Horta Margaridas, in the Jiquiá neighborhood; and the Vila Santa Luzia Community Kitchen, in Torre, Recife. Also taking part are women from the Dandara Popular Agroecological Vegetable Garden in Peixinhos, Olinda, and the Quilombo Onze Negras Vegetable Garden in Cabo de Santo Agostinho.

Lasting 24 months, the project aims to strengthen urban and peri-urban agriculture with agro-ecological practices in the Metropolitan Region of Recife. Through training and the exchange of knowledge, the initiative involves 100 farmers, with a special focus on women from peripheral communities, promoting food security, health, income generation and improved quality of life.
The program for the inaugural class includes a welcome for the new students, an introduction to the educators, an account of the experience of the first class, a schedule of classes and a lecture by Kelliane Fuscaldi, coordinator of the MDS Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture Program, who will discuss federal public policies for the sector and the future prospects for urban agriculture.
The Sabiá Center’s initiative is in partnership with the Agroecology and Peasantry Center (NAC) of the UFRPE Dean of Extension, Culture and Citizenship and the Homeless Workers’ Movement of Pernambuco (MTST), and with the support of the National Urban Agriculture Program of the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger (MDS/Federal Government). The action is the result of a parliamentary amendment by federal deputy Túlio Gadelha.
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