Centro Sabiá launches VOAflix, a digital collection with 40 years of stories, memories and the struggle for social justice
By Darliton Silva and Bárbara Bittencourt
Centro Sabiá is pleased to announce the launch of VOAflix, a digital platform that brings together and democratizes access to four decades of content produced on topics such as agroecology, agroforestry, family farming, living in the semi-arid region, gender equity and the fight against hunger. The launch ceremony will take place this Friday (08) at Livraria Jardim, in the Boa Vista district of Recife, and promises to be a milestone in the dissemination of knowledge that has shaped and transformed the lives of rural and urban communities.
VOAflix was developed to compile and make available, free of charge, videos, audios, books, booklets and academic studies that document the Centro Sabiá’s journey towards a more sustainable and just world. This vast collection, often used as a reference in scientific articles, dissertations and theses, can now be explored in a practical, intuitive and accessible way.
The project reinforces Centro Sabiá’s commitment to the preservation and transmission of knowledge, valuing not only historical memory, but also the collaboration of researchers and communities who have contributed to the agroecological movement over the years. Since our foundation, we have contributed to students, teachers, researchers and educational and research institutions, providing technical information and facilitating access to the rural communities and farming families who are our greatest sources of knowledge.
From the first meeting of the Drought Forum to the creation of the Brazilian Semi-Arid Articulation (ASA), the collection tells the stories, practices and achievements of the Brazilian Semi-Arid, the agro-ecological movement in Pernambuco and much more, now available to anyone, anywhere, free of charge.
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