Sabiá Center receives Pact Against Hunger Award for its work to combat hunger and promote food security

By Darliton Silva
Sabiá Center Communicator

On Tuesday morning, December 3, the Sabiá Center was awarded the Pact Against Hunger Prize, in the “Food Security” category, during a ceremony held at SESC Pinheiros in São Paulo. The award recognizes the organization’s trajectory in the fight against hunger, highlighting its innovative initiatives in the Brazilian semi-arid region, such as grey water reuse and agroforestry systems, with special attention to the role of women.

The award is the result of a partnership between the Pact Against Hunger Coalition, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), and goes beyond a simple trophy, representing recognition of the effort and struggle for a fairer and more sustainable world.

The general coordinator of the Sabiá Centre, Maria Cristina Aureliano, and the coordinator of Social Mobilization, Carlos Magno Morais, attended the awards ceremony, highlighting the organization’s impact on the fight against hunger and the promotion of food security.

According to Carlos Magno, this award highlights the trajectory of the Sabiá Center in the fight against hunger. The organization was founded with the clear objective of fighting hunger and, to this day, keeps that dream alive. “The award represents the recognition of this commitment and the dedication of the Sabiá Centre throughout its history,” said Carlos.

Founded in 1993, Centro Sabiá is a non-governmental organization based in Recife which, over the course of its three decades of work, has already impacted more than 15,000 farming families. Its projects aim to promote family farming, with an emphasis on agro-ecological production and food security, as well as actions to combat domestic violence and strengthen the role of young people.

Among its most significant achievements are the creation of the first agro-ecological fair in the state of Pernambuco, the construction of cisterns in the Brazilian semi-arid region, and the distribution of more than 150 tons of food from family farms during the COVID-19 pandemic to families in vulnerable situations.

The Sabiá Center remains steadfast in its mission, with the commitment to continue believing in an increasingly fair and sustainable future for all.

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