Conserving the Soil is Preserving Life! | In Tune with Nature

João Lucas França, broadcaster and communicator at Centro Sabiá.

In Tune with Nature on the 10th of April.

This week our weekly radio program – In Harmony with Nature – talks about the fight for the conservation of the soil, the earth! We talk about April 15th, Soil Conservation Day! Soil Conservation Day is a date that talks about a subject that is essential for the preservation of life and our existence on earth! Everything we do and build on earth is reflected in this: In our means of production, in the sustainability and preservation of the earth, the soil, so that the next generations can continue to live in harmony with nature! Conserving the soil is conserving life!

That’s why in this program we invite directly from the NGO CAATINGA – Center for Assistance and Support to Workers and Alternative Non-Governmental Institutions, the communication and mobilization coordinator Giovanne Xenofonte! He has lived in the city of Ouricuri/PE for 18 years. He works at the NGO Caatinga, in the struggle to strengthen agroecological family farming.

The program Em Sintonia com a Natureza airs every Sunday on Rádio Pajeú FM 99.3 at 6:30 am (Afogados da Ingazeira/PE), on Rádio Top Rio FM 90.5 at 7 am (Rio Formoso/PE) and also on Rádio Pop FM 104.9 , at 7 am (Surubim/PE). It also airs on Webrádio da Articulação do Semiárido (ASA) and Rádio Web Agroecologia!

Also listen to Cantos do Sabiá , our weekly podcast!

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