Are We Losing Food Sovereignty? | Real Food Program

João Lucas França – Radio host and communicator for the Sabiá Center.

O The program Comida de Verdade (Food of Truth ) comes this time to talk about the food sovereignty. Are we losing our food sovereignty? Data from State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022 reportThe UN report, released by the UN, shows that the number of those affected by world hunger has risen by 2021 to 828 million people. In Brazil, data from the PENSSAN network (Brazilian Research Network on Food and Nutritional Sovereignty and Security), show us that we are already more than 33 million living with hunger. We are already back on the hunger map.

If food sovereignty is the people’s right to food, food policies and sustainable strategies for healthy food production, how do we ensure sovereignty in the midst of hunger, left by misgovernments in health and food policies?

How to guarantee food sovereignty in the land of hunger! That is what we are going to talk about here today! And to talk to us, we are here with Reginaldo Xavier! Reginaldo was secretary general of CONSEA-PE, and is currently president of the State Council for Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security of Pernambuco.

The Comida de Verdade Program goes on Paulo Freire University Radio – AM 820 Khz! Comida de Verdade is part of the public call for broadcasting by the Radio Universitária. Then you can also listen to it on our virtual platforms: Click here and follow us on Spotify!

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