Does my garden make a difference? | Real Food

João Lucas França – Broadcaster and communicator for the Sabiá Center.

This week’s Real Food asks: Does my garden make a difference? We need to think about agriculture based on the soil we walk on, respecting nature , but understanding the changes in the climate , which are already here.

And if we’re in Recife, understanding agriculture from where we stand means talking about urban agriculture, planting in the city, space to produce even in concrete! When we talk about it, it sounds far away, but planting in the city isn’t just a way forward – it’s the future of cities!

And then we have to ask ourselves: What is it possible to produce when there seems to be no room for anything in the city? What can I do, even in my house, in my apartment, in a window I have at home? Does my garden make a difference?

That’s what we’re talking about now with Karol Silva – a member of Coletivo Chié do Entra, where she works as a community environmental agent, popular educator and coordinator of pedagogical composting and communication, in particular presenting sustainable practices to the community in a collaborative way, strengthening the territory and the residents.

Comida de Verdade is your Saturday program to talk about food and agroecology, valuing our markets and local culture. Every Saturday at 10 . 30am on Rádio Universitária 99.9 FM and rebroadcast on Rádio Universitária Paulo Freire 820 AM – Podcast format on Spotify from the Sabiá Center!

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