Save the Caatinga! | In Tune with Nature

João Lucas França, broadcaster and communicator at Centro Sabiá.

Showcase of the program on the 1st of May, with Francisco Campello.

This week we tune in to the fight for semiarid forest! Long live the Caatinga! Save the Caatinga. In Tune with Nature will discuss about the National Caatinga Day , and how we need to defend one of Brazil’s greatest heritage, which is constantly threatened. Defending the Caatinga is defending life in the countryside! It is to defend the unique biodiversity that we have in our country. Save the Caatinga!

And it is to talk about this important date in defense of the environment, that this Sunday we invite you to our program Francisco Campello! Francisco is Regional Coordinator of the Sustainable Rural Caatinga Project , and was also director of Combat Desertification at the Ministry of the Environment.

The program Em Sintonia com a Natureza airs every Sunday on Rádio Pajeú FM 99.3 at 6:30 am (Afogados da Ingazeira/PE), on Rádio Top Rio FM 90.5 at 7 am (Rio Formoso/PE) and also on Rádio Pop 104.9 FM , at 7 am (Surubim/PE). It also airs on Webrádio da Articulação do Semiárido (ASA) and Rádio Web Agroecologia!

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