How to end hunger in Pernambuco? | Real Food Program

João Lucas França – Radio host and communicator for the Sabiá Center.

The program Comida de Verdade talks again not about food – but about the lack of food . The food crisis facing Brazil today is at once social, environmental, and of course, political! Our country is hungry today, and is facing a tough challenge to get off the hunger map again, an unfortunate place that we have returned to after the last government of the country.

The context of hunger is among us every day. The State of World Food Security and Nutrition Report 2022, released by the UN, points out that world hunger has now risen to 828 million people.

In our country, the PENSSAN network (Brazilian Research Network on Food Sovereignty and Security), shows that we are already more than 33 million living with hunger. More specifically here in Northeast Brazil, the state of Pernambuco has the second largest population of hungry people: 2.1 million people, behind only Ceará (2.4 million).

How to end hunger in Pernambuco? To debate with us, we talked with Rosa Amorim , state deputy ! Rosa is a state deputy for the PT in Pernambuco. He is a militant of the Levante da Juventude and also a strong participant in the Movimento Sem Terra – MST.

The Comida de Verdade Program goes on Paulo Freire University Radio – AM 820 Khz! Comida de Verdade is part of the public call for broadcasting by the Radio Universitária. Then you can also listen to it on our virtual platforms: Click here and follow us on Spotify!

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