6th Meeting “Youth and Agroecology” takes place from July 13 to 15 in Caruaru

The 6th Youth and Agroecology Meeting is coming up, with the theme Youth: heirs of all struggles. The event aims to bring together about 77 young people from the territories of Zona da Mata, Agreste and Sertão, in order to create a moment of reflection on youth autonomy and the construction of their identity as political subjects.

In addition, the role of Youth in the construction of good living in their territories will be discussed, dialoguing with ongoing actions in the communities and thinking about how such experiences can collaborate with the participation processes and methodologies that will strengthen / foster / create the grassroots groups of young people and the Commission of Young Multipliers of Agroecology (CJMA).

Another point to be addressed is the dialogue with society about agroecology and its importance to guarantee the good living of rural and urban populations, through the permanence of young people in the countryside, access to adequate and quality food, income generation and among many other aspects that permeate agroecological development.

The meeting will last three days, from Thursday (13) to Saturday (15), in Caruaru, in the Agreste of the state.

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