Caatinga: (re) forest | Cantos do Sabiá

João Lucas França – Broadcaster and communicator for the Sabiá Center.

We ended 2024 with a significant decrease in deforestation in the Amazon – the lowest rate in 15 years, 31% less than in previous years. History.

But we still have a lot to do. Protecting our forests is about more than stopping deforestation. We need to look beyond the Amazon! Expand this fight to the Caatinga.

What can we do to reverse so many years of burning, deforestation and destruction?

The Caatinga loses hectares and hectares every year. But we must remember: the “white forest” is essential for carbon sequestration; essential for the life of animals and plants that only exist in this biome; it is home to many peoples.

It’s time to reforest.

And we talked about all this with Dr. Aldrin Marin – Latin American by origin, Nicaraguan by birth, and Northeasterner at heart. He is the coordinator of the Caatinga and Desertification Observatory (INSA/MCT), and a permanent professor in the Graduate Program in Soil Science (UFPB-CCA) and Ecology and Conservation (UEPB).

Cantos do Sabiá is the Sabiá Center Podcast! Every week we discuss agroecology, sustainability and politics in the countryside and the city! The podcast goes live every Monday, with the complete interview edition that originally made up the Center’s radio program.

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