The Female Vote in Election Year | In Tune with Nature
João Lucas França, broadcaster and communicator at Centro Sabiá.

This week, In Tune with Nature , our weekly radio show, tunes in to the feminist struggle for the right to conquer! This Sunday we talk about February 24th , the day we celebrate the achievement of women’s vote in Brazil!
Despite being a guaranteed right today, the struggle for women’s space in politics and decision-making is not over yet. The Feminist movement continues to be the great defense for the rights of all women around the world. And on this 24th, we also need to think about the importance of having this right to vote assured, the impact of women’s vote in this year 2022! Every vote counts.
And it’s to talk about this fight, and the 24th of February, the day of the conquest of the feminine vote in Brazil, that today we invite to our program, State Representative Teresa Leitão! She is a teacher, pedagogue, trade unionist and Brazilian politician, and is part of the Education and Culture Commission, Education Sector of the National PT.
The program Em Sintonia com a Natureza airs every Sunday on Rádio Pajeú FM 99.3 FM at 6:30 am (Afogados da Ingazeira/PE), on Rádio Top Rio FM 90.5 at 7 am (Rio Formoso/PE) and also on Rádio Pop 104.9 FM at 7 am (Surubim/PE). It also airs on Webrádio da Articulação do Semiárido (ASA) and Rádio Web Agroecologia!

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