Campaign brings digital map on food culture in Brazil

The Food is Heritage campaign is an initiative of the Brazilian Forum on Food Sovereignty and Security (FBSSAN) . This March, it enters its fourth phase and offers the public the possibility of interacting by navigating a digital map where the richness of the food heritage of Brazilian biomes, peoples, culture and biodiversity will be available to those interested in knowing these life worlds. The launch of the Digital Map takes place this March 18, at 3 pm, remotely via the Webinar (link below).

Food is Heritage is a campaign that began in 2015 and is a mobilization and communication strategy. It aims to stimulate reflection, dialogue and actions aimed at valuing food culture and defending more just, equitable, healthy, sustainable and solidary ways of producing, distributing and consuming food in the territories. The campaign has already gone through three phases and begins its fourth at the beginning of 2022, at a time when the country is experiencing a context of worsening hunger among a large portion of the population. An attack on human dignity, food sovereignty, the environment and what safeguards the Human Right to Adequate Food (DHAA).

Brazil is a country of great food wealth, with an enviable culture and biodiversity. Taking care of this heritage is almost a basic need for all of us and, especially, for governments that need to guarantee public policies that preserve this heritage. The Digital Map brings this wealth by showing through sounds, images and texts what each biome has. It is interactive and each person can navigate through a Brazil with many worlds of life. The map’s contents bring out the richness of biomes, peoples, cultures, food and biodiversity. It also brings the announcements and denunciations that express the voices of resistance in the territories in defense of fair and sustainable food systems.

The Brazilian Forum on Food Sovereignty and Security (FBSSAN) invites you and your organization to participate in the launch this Friday, 03/18, starting at 3 pm. On the occasion, in addition to the presentation of the map and its navigation tools, guests Maria Emília Pacheco (FBSSAN/FASE), Thainá Marajoara (Iacitatá), Roselita Vitor (Polo da Borborema) and Lourdes Laureano (Articulação Pacari) and Santiago Bernardes (National Coordination of Traditional Caiçara Communities). Music, images and voices from those who make up the Brazilian food heritage will also be part of the activity, which is expected to end at 5:30 pm. The Food is Heritage campaign reaches its sixth year with the motto Das Redes aos Rodas. A defense of the ways of producing, living and eating in the different biomes of Brazil. Thinking about food as a heritage is thinking about how to share it, talk about it and update your knowledge and flavors every day in every part of this country.

What? Launch of the Digital Map of the Food is Heritage campaign
When? March 18, 2022
What time? at 3 pm
At where? Zomm webinar/platform
Register here!

More information:
Juliana Dias (FNSSAN) – (21) 9.9997-2952 (WhatsApp)

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