Graywater Reuse for Family Farming | Cantos do Sabiá

Broadcaster and communicator for the Centro Sabiá.
🎧 This Monday’s Cantos do Sabiá comes to talk about the Semi-Arid, living with extreme climates, and social technologies for access to water!
The Brazilian semi-arid makes up 18% of the national territory! This means that more than 26 million Braz ilians live with extreme climates, low humidity, long droughts… And they live with the semi-arid!
Those who live in the countryside and in the semi-arid region know that it is not possible to fight the climate: but we must learn to live with it! That’s where the social technologies for access to water come from: Experience and coexistence come from learning, and social technologies such as the Grey Water Reuse and plate cisterns come to strengthen life in the countryside!

But how do these social technologies work? After all, what difference does this Graywater Reuse make for the countryside and for saving water in the semi-arid region?
To talk to us about these issues of living with the semi-arid and also about RAC, that we invited to the podcast the agricultural technician Raimundo Bertino! Raimundo is an expert in organic agriculture and a master’s student in rural extension! The family farmer Deasolange Romão will also be with us !
Cantos do Sabiá is the Centro Sabiá’s Podcast! Weekly we discuss agroecology, sustainability and politics in the countryside and in the city! The podcast goes live every Monday, with the complete interview edition that originally made up the Center’s radio program.
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