Centro Sabiá promotes lecture at municipal school in Triunfo-PE
Text by Michael’s Blog

The Centro Sabiá, represented by Rivaneide Lígia, a technician from the sertão do Pajeú region, was present at the Higino Bezerra School, located in Sítio Coroas, municipality of Triunfo, for an interactive talk about the importance of water and social struggles. During the event, the young people were introduced to the situation that many of their parents and grandparents experienced: the lack of water.
The lack of water is a recurring problem in the Northeastern sertão, especially during long periods of drought. It is a reality that many families still face and that has a direct impact on people’s quality of life. It was with this scenario in mind that the Centro Sabiá promoted the interactive talk at school, to make young people aware of the importance of water and the fight for water policies in the sertão.
The example of the cisterns was used, a technology well known by rural communities. Cisterns are a simple but extremely effective system for collecting and storing rainwater, which can be used for human and animal consumption during these dry periods.

The meeting at Higino Bezerra School was an opportunity for young people to understand the importance of water and the importance of these policies . It was also a way to make the next generation aware of the need to preserve and care for natural resources, to ensure a fairer and more sustainable future for all.
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