Family Farming is Life! | Cantos do Sabiá
João Lucas France. Broadcaster and communicator for the Centro Sabiá.

The IBGE data do not lie: family agriculture is what the Brazilian people eat! 77% of the rural establishments in Brazil are family farms, and 70% of the food consumed in Brazil comes from family farms.
This production not only feeds the city: it feeds the countryside, rotates the rural economy, and makes the good living of agroecology much better! So yes, family farming is life!
And to talk about this important issue – for the city and for the countryside – we have invited Riva Almeida to participate once again here with us at Cantos do Sabiá! Riva is an agronomist, specialist in education, conservation, and management of natural resources in the Northeastern semi-arid region. Riva is also technical staff and coordinator of the Centro Sabiá in the Sertão.

🌾 Cantos do Sabiá is the Sabiá Center’s podcast! Every Monday, first thing in the morning, you can follow the best of family farming, agroecology, and sustainability! Come with us, in this sustainable conversation! Come with Cantos do Sabiá! Available at Spotify and also on Youtube! 🎧📲
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