MROSC/PE Platform starts building dossier on the New Regulatory Framework for Civil Society Organizations
Darliton Silva
Popular Communicator of the Sabiá Center

Members of the MROSC/PE Platform met on Wednesday morning (27) at the Centro Sabiá headquarters, Recife [PE], to start building a dossier on the implementation of the New Regulatory Framework for Civil Society Organizations in Pernambuco. The Platform’s governance was also at the center of the agenda.
Representatives of the Sabiá Center, Cáritas, Mais Social, the Association of Sons and Friends of Bezerros [AFABE], the Center for Development and Citizenship [CDC] and the Pernambuco Bar Association [OAB/PE] were present at the event.
The MROSC Platform is a network of non-profit and public interest organizations whose aim is to improve the social and legal environment in which organizations operate.
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