For School Feeding! | Cantos do Sabiá
João Lucas França – Radio host and communicator for the Sabiá Center.

This week’s Cantos do Sabiá talks about October 21, School Feeding Day! Food is a pillar of quality of life, health and nutritional security, but we already know that. What we don’t realize is that the school has a huge influence on our eating habits, and it needs to be a place to promote real food!
But if this is already a challenge, imagine adding to it the fact that our country lives with hunger; a Brazil that, during the pandemic, had more than 120 million food insecure .
In the midst of this, there is a diet full of ultra-processed foods, pesticides and poison. Not to mention the attempts to make school meals more flexible, allowing even more of this food that is a product. In the midst of so much discussion, how can we guarantee safe, healthy, sovereign school meals ?
And to talk about this very important topic, today we invited Giorgia Russo , who holds a master’s degree in interventions and public policies and is a nutritionist from the School of Public Health/USP! Giorgia is IDEC’s technical consultant on the healthy and sustainable schools agenda. Chairman of the management committee for the organic school food law in São Paulo.

Cantos do Sabiá is the Centro Sabiá’s Podcast! Weekly we discuss agroecology, sustainability and politics in the countryside and in the city! The podcast goes live every Monday, with the complete interview edition that originally made up the Center’s radio program.
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