Poison in the Sky is Poison on the Land: Public Hearing to debate pesticides in Pernambuco takes place next week
Communication Center
Next Monday (27), the Semi-Arid Articulation in Pernambuco (ASA-PE), FETAPE and the Northeast Women’s House, through the Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development Committee of the Pernambuco Legislative Assembly (Alepe), will hold the Public Hearing “Poison in the sky, is poison on earth”.
The aerial spraying of pesticides in Pernambuco and its devastating effects on rural communities and the environment will be discussed with society in general.
The Commission is made up of the mandates of parliamentarians Dani Portela, from PSOL, Doriel Barros, João Paulo and Rosa Amorim, from PT. It will be a time to discuss the issue and propose alternatives to STOP this practice in the state.
The poison sprayed sickens families, leaves a trail of destruction wherever it goes and needs to be combated. The hearing is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. in the Ênio Guerra auditorium of ALEPE, at Rua da União, 397 – Boa Vista, and is open to the public.
Fighting AGAINST pesticides is fighting for life!

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