Defeat: Senate approves poison package

This Tuesday (28) was a day of defeat for all Brazilians! Bill 1459/2022, the Poison Package, was approved almost unanimously in the Senate.
With just one dissenting vote from Senator Zenaide Maia (PSD/RN), the Senate passed a bill that would kill Brazil and the world.
The bill in question aims to relax the rules on the use of pesticides in our country, making it easier to use poison. This poison is carcinogenic, it kills, and it severely damages our environment. Our health is at risk!
Brazilian civil society resisted this project for almost a decade, and now finds itself in a major setback. At this time, we expect President Lula to be committed to the health of the Brazilian people and to our environment, which will be on the agenda at COP28.
As a way of denouncing the harm that pesticides cause to people, the Sabiá Center has launched the second phase of the Poison is Made to Kill campaign. To watch the campaign, click here.
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