Sabiá Center launches Hands that Feed project in Agreste de Pernambuco
Rosa Sampaio
Journalist at the Sabiá Center

Fifty rural families headed by women from the municipalities of Cumaru and Orobó, in the countryside of the state, are participating, as of today (15), in a new action by Centro Sabiá. The project Mãos que Alimentam aims to promote economic autonomy and food and nutritional sovereignty and security in the semiarid region of Pernambuco, through the implementation of productive backyards, continuous technical-pedagogical assistance and exchanges between women farmers to exchange and strengthen experiences and knowledge, within the peasant methodology peasant.
The empowerment of farming families are intrinsic elements for the promotion of agroecology, in this sense, Mãos que Alimentam foresees the holding of ten training workshops on agroecological and gender themes. “The arrival of this project to benefit families headed by women in the territory, contributes to guaranteeing the right to quality food, with the visibility of the work of women farmers in food production, and thus contributing to economic autonomy and the female empowerment in the countryside”, explains Juliana Peixoto, territorial coordinator of Centro Sabiá, in Agreste.
Dona Gilvaneide da Silva Barbosa, 37 years old, resident of the Morro do Macaco community in Orobó, anxiously awaits the project, “very good for us, this project arrives now”, she declares excitedly. Dona Gilvaneide does not even know that 30 agroecological stoves will also be installed, a social technology with low environmental impact, which will help to promote food dignity and economy for families, reducing costs and risks associated with food production, as the constant rise in gas prices kitchen, has been reducing the access of many families to the gas stove and exposing them to the dangers of improvising in the preparation of food. The action will be carried out in four rural communities in the countryside by Centro Sabiá and will last for 12 months, with the support of the Catholic organization in Spain “ Manos Unidas ”.
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