Ecological Footprint: Why consume locally? | Real Food Program
João Lucas França – Radio host and communicator for the Sabiá Center.

Real Food talks this week about the ecological footprint and the importance of consuming locally! Do you know what the ecological footprint is? It’s your footprint, the trail of consumption we leave on the planet. Food, food choices and the markets we go to, the restaurants and vegetables we buy, has everything to do with it.
We do not realize it, but until the food reaches our tables it goes through several processes. And if you buy from establishments that are not agroecological, are not conscious, that do not preserve nature and that will use the poison market – pesticides – your footprint gets bigger and bigger .
Food needs to be political! It needs to be thought through. The further away – both physically and from agroecology, the greater the expenditure of natural resources, and the greater the carbon footprint!
That’s why we need to think more and more about our ecological footprint! Thinking more and more about consuming locally to protect globally. So, to talk to us about the ecological footprint and local consumption, let’s talk here at Comida de Verdade with Davi Fantuzzi! Davi is a poet, writer, senior advisor at the Nucleus of Assistance to Communities Affected by Dams (Minas Gerais), and has a trajectory in advising markets for family farming at Centro Sabiá . He was also coordinator of the Organic Production Commission of the state of Pernambuco.

The Comida de Verdade Program goes on Paulo Freire University Radio – AM 820 Khz! Comida de Verdade is part of the public call for broadcasting by the Radio Universitária. Then you can also listen to it on our virtual platforms: Click here and follow us on Spotify!

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