Clean energy for whom? | Real Food
João Lucas França – Radio host and communicator for the Sabiá Center.

Today’s Comida de Verdade talks about renewable energy! Clean energy, very important for living in the semi-arid region, for adapting to a world increasingly affected by global warming…
… And even with all this, an energy that does little with all this, because it is concentrated in the hands of a few, does little to serve the people who live in the semi-arid region, and still causes great natural imbalance, due to the way it is carried out; cracking cisterns, expelling traditional populations from their lands, turning productive sites into veritable deserts.
That’s why Comida de Verdade asks: What kind of clean energy is this, and for whom? Today we’re talking to Gizelda Beserra about all this ! Gizelda is a member of the board of the Remígio Rural Union, the coordination of the Borborema Pole and the March for Women’s Lives and Agroecology. She is president of CoopBorborema, a cooperative created by the Borborema Pole.

The Comida de Verdade Program goes on Paulo Freire University Radio – AM 820 Khz! Comida de Verdade is part of the public call for broadcasting by the Radio Universitária. Then you can also listen to it on our virtual platforms: Click here and follow us on Spotify!

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