UFRPE opens selection with 40 vacancies for Bachelor’s Degree in Agroecology

This Friday (March 15), the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) published the public notice for the selection process for the Bachelor’s Degree in Agroecology, an on-campus degree course, for entry in the second semester of 2024. A total of 40 places are on offer for those interested, who can apply using their National High School Exam score from the last five editions: 2019 to 2023.
Registration begins on March 18th and runs until May 2nd of this year, and must be done exclusively online at: https://selecao.ufrpe.br/ (available from March 18th).
Considering Law No. 12.711/2012, a total of 50% of places will be reserved for students who have attended secondary school in public schools, observing the conditions set out in the selection notice (item 4 of the notice).
Places on this course are also reserved for applicants directly linked to the socio-territorial space of the countryside, including family farmers, rural employees or their dependents, Agrarian Reform settlers or their dependents or those belonging to traditional peoples or communities (see item 4.6 of the notice).
The remaining places will be open to the general public.
On May 8, the list of candidates whose applications have been approved will be published. Announcement of the results of the candidates APPROVED in the First Call is scheduled for May 10.
From 13/05 to 17/05, those called up in the first round must send the documentation required for registration electronically.
If necessary, UFRPE will make further calls to fill the vacancies offered by the Selection Process (according to the schedule attached below). It’s important to check the university’s website to see if your name is on the list.
Classes are scheduled to start on August 19, 2024.
See below for the selection notice, timetable and other documents relating to the participation of candidates in the selection process.
For more information on the Bachelor’s Degree in Agroecology, visit the link to the Careers Fair: http://feiradeprofissoes.ufrpe.br/agroecologia/
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