National day against racism | Cantos do Sabiá
João Lucas França – Radio host and communicator for the Sabiá Center.

Today our program is about fighting racism! Addressing issues of resistance, uprising and defense of the rights of black people, united and resistant. Today, we will be discussing May 13th, the National Day of Struggle against Racism! An extremely important date, but one that is little celebrated in a country that little discusses its racist heritage. Yes, racist.
Brazil was founded on invasions, the corruption of the Portuguese crown, the enslavement of black and indigenous people, and also on death. People were robbed of their homes and subsequently expelled from wherever they were.
May 13, the date of the abolition of slavery, didn’t end racism in Brazil; in many ways, it just transferred black people from one place to another. Again.
Is there still racism after all this time? Yes. A lot! And it’s rooted in our roots, which we sometimes don’t realize or discuss. So, shall we discuss?
Today, we’re going to talk about the fight against racism, agroecology and everything that unites these two themes in the struggle for black people. Angela Maria dos Santos, a master in rural extension, joined us for a chat ! A family farmer, educator and education specialist, she is a quilombola from the Pau de Leite community in Mirandiba (PE).

Cantos do Sabiá is the Centro Sabiá’s Podcast! Weekly we discuss agroecology, sustainability and politics in the countryside and in the city! The podcast goes live every Monday, with the complete interview edition that originally made up the Center’s radio program.

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