Is there agroecology in Recife? | Real Food
João Lucas França – Radio host and communicator for the Sabiá Center.

This week’s Comida de Verdade asks a question that matters a lot for the future of our city, food and even commerce: Is there agroecology in Recife?
Every week we buy vegetables, fruit and vegetables. We’re always replenishing the banana for the vitamin, the tomato for the pasta… Rice and beans too! But where does it all come from? The market? And what kind of market is that?
Let’s go further: Which market do you choose to support? On the one hand, we have networks that support family farming, the producer of life, who takes care of the countryside, who feeds the city…
… And on the other, a market that feeds fire, deforestation, environmental destruction, and in the end – still feeds you poison! In Recife, we need to know how to choose.
Is there room for agroecology? Marli Gondim, a popular educator, talks to us about it ! She is an agroecologist and feminist. Agronomist, Master and PhD in Agrarian and Cultural Geography.

Comida de Verdade is your Saturday program to talk about food and agroecology, valuing our markets and local culture. Every Saturday at 10 . 30am on Rádio Universitária 99.9 FM and rebroadcast on Rádio Universitária Paulo Freire 820 AM – Podcast format on Spotify from the Sabiá Center!

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