Fighting Environmental Racism | Cantos do Sabiá
João Lucas França – Radio host and communicator for the Sabiá Center.

This week’s Cantos do Sabiá continues our discussions of Black Awareness Month; a month that is all too worthwhile to discuss the various ways that blackness is active, in us, in what we do, in our society…
… But also to discuss the issues that matter so much to us, which are the environment, climate change, agriculture, food. Did you know that it makes perfect sense to discuss the environment and blackness?
That’s why today we’re going to talk about combating environmental racism! In an increasingly heated world, with more extreme climate changes, we need to talk about those who suffer the consequences first: vulnerable populations, black people .
Why does this happen, and how can we combat this racism? That’s what we’re going to talk about today with nutritionist, master in food, nutrition and health, Silvana Oliveira! Silvana is a black woman from the suburbs of Salvador. She is a member of the Center for Studies and Research on Gender, Race and Health (NEGRAS) and a member of the Network of Black Nutritionists (Rede Ajeum). She is a researcher in the field of Food and Nutritional Security and the health of the black population.

Cantos do Sabiá is the Centro Sabiá’s Podcast! Weekly we discuss agroecology, sustainability and politics in the countryside and in the city! The podcast goes live every Monday, with the complete interview edition that originally made up the Center’s radio program.
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