What role do young people play in agroecology? | Real Food
João Lucas França – Broadcaster and communicator for the Sabiá Center.

August, the month of youth, is a special opportunity to think about the role of young people in building a more sustainable and just future. It’s always good to remember that it’ s the diverse youth that drives the movements.
August is the month we celebrate Youth Day, August 12th. It’s a month to recognize the importance of thinking about the environment, agroecology and who will inherit all the struggles for a future.
Urban youth need to be increasingly involved with the environment. At a time of extreme climate change, the age of ultra-processed foods, poisoned food and a disconnection with greenery, with nature, we ask:what role do young people play in agroecology?
That’s what we talked about with popular communicator Ghiulia Cabral! Ghiulia is a socio-environmental scientist and holds a master’s degree in geography. She is a researcher at Teaching, Research and Extension Group AUÊ! Studies in Urban Agriculture at the Federal University of Minas Gerais.
She is the coordinator of the Youth Working Group of the Brazilian Agroecology Association (ABA) and a member of the Youth WG of the Brazilian Agroecology Articulation (ANA).

Comida de Verdade is your Saturday program to talk about food and agroecology, valuing our markets and local culture. Every Saturday at 10 . 30am on Rádio Universitária 99.9 FM and rebroadcast on Rádio Universitária Paulo Freire 820 AM – Podcast format on Spotify from the Sabiá Center!

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